PunToon Bonus: Laughter is Good Medicine

Ready for your close up?

This is a BONUS sample from Mack’s book “PunToons: Tons of Puns” (1996). But it is also an interesting precursor to Mack’s second book “PunToons: Jest for the Health of it!”(2001), Mack Rowe with Neil Shawen. In the second book you can see that there is more to Mack’s Art than meets the eye (or funny bone). And maybe, you “jest” know this, deep down in your heart, already.


Interjecting smiles and giggles — even laughs– can brighten lives — yours and others you meet. I found that, when I’m approaching a sales clerk or a fellow customer, there are opportunities for some form of humorous exchange. It begins with eye contact. This brief connection sets the stage. Perhaps a brief smile is exchanged. A quick comment can follow, and from there other remarks can follow with possible fun quips. I had this little drama play out at a used book store recently. We exchanged some brief quips and even a laugh. When I left, I had a positive feeling which set my day on a high. Humor, don’t leave your mind without it.