How better can this word be expressed? Here’s to healing by natural methods.
A Blog About Relaxing With Doodling
How better can this word be expressed? Here’s to healing by natural methods.
A basic WordToon “cause for being” is to express the word without being in a sentence.
This can’t be said/repeated often enough. The belief of many people on the earth is that we are all separate — the base cause of all our problems. WE in fact are all created as One.
A Laugh a day or at least a chuckle. Remember, “Read ’em Aloud!”
This PunToons Bonus with Eunice and Toon discussing Pun’s worn out socks, takes us back to the 15th Century definition of Crewel: a noun, meaning a thin, loosely twisted, worsted yarn used for tapestry and embroidery. I guess tapestries were a big thing back then since they did not have cinematography displayed on a 4K Ultra flat screen to hang on the wall.
Today our PunToon Bonus comes from Mack’s book “Jest for the Health of it”
Today’s BONUS is a PunToon from “Jest for the Health of It!”
This is one of those words I made up to create a new one — just for a smile.
Being overly concerned about past or future events is a quick way to take you out of the NOW. What’s happened can’t be changed and what’s going to happen isn’t here yet. NOW is all we have. Treasure it. It won’t come again.
Breathe in through your nose while expanding your stomach. Feel the fullness of your body.
Open your mouth as you breathe out smiling broadly. Feel the wonderful muscles as they expand to reveal your smile.