This is part of Slow Down…your inner Calm. and finding Yourself in this world that is speeding up.
Now its my turn to create some variations on the well known emojis. I’m having some fun. Hope you enjoy. More are on the way.
Overheard at the hospital: “Did ya see the new nurse?”
The Study of Toepography
Have you noticed? Where ever you go, you seem to be following them?
How To Find YOU Now?
I have clues for answering this question. They are scattered among my WordToons waiting for you to find them. Maybe you can guess where they are by exploring the categories menu.
PunToons Bonus: Train of Thought
PunToon Bonus: Train of Thought from “Jest for the Health of It!”
Bonus: A 70 Second “ANGRY” WordToons Contemplation
A WordToon Slide Show Contemplation about “ANGRY”
The WordToon Slide Show “Angry” is a “Contemplation” to creatively encourage viewers to think and feel the difference one can make with a little thought and empathy. Click on the blue underlined title above to start the video.
A simple statement about the problem where we look a others as separate from us. This problem makes getting to peace highly improbable. I suggest this as a formula for global peace.
An example of expressing the meaning of a word by simple doodling.
Bonus: A 90 Second “Slow Down” WordToons Meditation
Slow Down 90 Second Meditation – Small
The WordToon “Slow Down” was popular enough to creatively produce as a small moving meditation to help viewers feel the experience. Click on the blue title: “Slow Down 90 Second Meditation – Small” to start the 90 second video.