It’s feels beneficial for you to find ways to welcome smiling, giggling. and laughing each day. Just remember to do it.
This is what can happen when we are constantly in the midst of complexity and chaos. It impedes our health and well-being.
Annie fell down a flight of stairs and into a new life. She just got her cast off her arm and is full of new plans and ideas. What can you cast off to follow her lead?
You might choose to eject worries and fears. Cast off self doubts and old ideas. Cast a wide net and who knows what new opportunities you could catch. Try it!
An expressive example.
See through the Eyes of…Be Love — See Love.
See through the Eyes of…Be Love — See Love.
Smile Today and Forget the Frown
What a great way to begin your day! And end it.
Now Future
This is a graphic description of the power of NOW. The past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. The only place we can exercise our power is NOW, which has been compared to the neck of an hour glass, where the top part is the future and the bottom is the past. Hmmm. So, where do you want to spend your energy?
A Bonus Knock Knock Joke
Part One: KNOCK, KNOCK. Who’s there?
Part Two: Sara who?
Sometimes I feel like this is how our live is evolving. Does this strike a chord with you?
This is how I feel about mine. How about yours?