A reminder for a full life and staying in the present.
Your Time
The essential daily ingredient to find personal balance.
Today’s high-speed, complex pace of living demands much of us. We need to find daily quiet time.
Today’s everyday world intends to grab and use your attention in many different ways. Each is taking your energy and keeping you away from you.
You can choose to answer this question either way and have the results you want.
Whether it’s religion or politics. Trying to change the other person’s opinion to yours hardly ever results in more than stubbornly holding on to beginning idea. And maybe some yelling anger. The more peaceful approach keeps the ideas intact and peace.
PunToons Bonus: Mutton Doin’
Published in 2001, my “Jest for the Health of it” shows what a big deal cloning a sheep was back then. It seems rather quaint compared to are current events.
This is how it feels in stores who have their AC turned up too high. Whatever happened to those wonderful floor fans?
Swarm? A Bonus Knock Knock Joke
Part One: KNOCK, KNOCK. Who’s there?
Part Two: Swarm who?
Knock Knock jokes are much fun to invent. What’s your favorite?
Slow Down
It takes much awareness of your daily pace to realize when you see that you’re pushing. Recognize the benefits taking time out.