Category: PunToons
Toons can be PunToons: art previously published by Mack Rowe
PunToons Bonus: Crookin’ the Books
PunToons Bonus: Rome at the Top
PunToons Bonus: Mutton Doin’
Published in 2001, my “Jest for the Health of it” shows what a big deal cloning a sheep was back then. It seems rather quaint compared to are current events.
PunToon Bonus: Weather You Like It Or Not
When you have read most of “Jest for the Health of It!” you find you have delved into the deep recesses of the artist’s mind. Here is your proof!
PunToons Bonus: Pun-fried Chicken
Now that you’ve read the previous eight Puntifications (see March 30 through April 7) you are ready to contemplate the mysteries of imagining images “to illustrate THE PUN.” You know…like “to dream the impossible dream.”
‘psst three cornered hat = clue to catch-a-tory’
PunToons Bonus: Puntification #8 Contractions
And then there are contractions like: Wanna go to C’rackers, Venezuela?
(Editor’s note: pronounce each consonent letter “C” & “r” as their own syllable. Found in dictionary: Caracas | kəˈräkəs, kəˈrakəs | the capital of Venezuela, in the northern part of the country near the Caribbean Sea; population 2,097,400 (est. 2009).)
PunToons Bonus: Puntification #7 Substitute One Word for Three
Still others substitute one word for three: Tijuanna sing a song?
PunToons Bonus: Puntification #6 One Word Standing for Two
Other Puntifications have one word standing for two: Did you like my desert joke? Well, I know a Bedouin!
PunToons Bonus: Puntification #5 Some Are One-for-One Substitutions
Some are one-for-one substitutions. For example, a ruler on Prozac would be Kublai Khalm instead of Khan.