Negative Self Talk

It’s easy to get into, giving yourself negative messages of not being good enough or not being accepted. Especially in our competitive, high pressure, frenzied lives. This WordToons message raises awareness of possibly telling ourselves down-putting stuff. Awareness is important. Then you can begin stopping the negative message and changing it to a good message such as “I am fine the way I AM. Bravo!



Here is a wonderful mantra to practice daily. Simply repeat this phrase as you go about your work. Each time you day this to yourself, add a positive like good (I AM good), getting better, feeling good, healthy, happy, fun. But watch out. Be sure no negatives slip in. This mantra is designed to counter any negative messages you might say to yourself. You can stay with the positive in your daily life.

You can make a copy of I AM. Just click on the black WordToon title to get the toon on its own page. Then go to the File menu and down to the Print command and click. Cut out the print and put it up to remind you.

HA HA (doubled up with doubled HA)

From my Book: I Do WordToons and You Can Too! I’ve doubled up HA and added color for this example from my book.

As you can see, color adds much to your word’s expressiveness. Sometimes after adding color, I want to go back in and strengthen the letter outlines to make sure each letter reads OK. It’s interesting to me how each doodling stage tells me what to do next. I wonder now, what the WordToon for “Doubled over with Laughter” might look like?

Going From Stressed–>Desserts

Your doodling time is personal time. Time to find yourself and discover the PEACEFUL you. Doodling is a process waiting to be discovered. Ideas and messages can and do pop up as you devote your personal time to this process.  I like to say that this process can take you from STRESSED to DESSERTS:

If you don’t get it, try bringing a mirror to mind (or the computer screen and there see the reflective results).


It’s often said that Now is all there is. How much time do you spend mulling over the Past? Can’t change that can you?. Worry about your Future much? Do you ever notice that it never comes out the way you expected or worried about? And you have to deal with it creatively on the spot. So, staying in NOW is really the only place we can do something about.