Here is my illustration of how a particular word can become a WordToon telling you about itself. Even these simple line letters can express the meaning in many ways. This is the essence of WordToons. Take a short word such as FUN and see how many ways you can express it just in line letters. This is the fun of it.
Category: Positive Day
Uplifting creations that may contribute to having a more positive day.
Mental Floss
A WordToon I doodled to remind of the valuable way laughter influences your life.
Laughing Relieves Stress
This is an active doodle to state an obvious truth. In doodling it, I had the idea to shape the etters into a smile (Laughing) and a frown (Stress). The figures emphasize the message. Find laughs each day whenever and wherever. This besses your soul each day.
Cold weather ahead. Be prepared.
Ho Ho
Here’s my greeting to you for Christmas. May you have a positive celebration!
This WordToon is one of my favorites. It’s how I feel about life
Simply said, this is my favorite star. It’s the warmth and energy lovingly sent that sustains us and our earth. Yea!
Refuge. Where can you go to be you? Here’s an idea. Find you pace — where you can be at peace with yourself. A place away from the frantic demands of everyday living. In short, Your Refuge. A quiet pace you can just be you. No phone, computer, interruptions. Maybe some novel music you like. This is your ideal setting for doodling your own WordToons. Works for me!
Be Gentle
With all the negative and fearful messages out there, it becomes very important to not take it into personal thoughts and feelings. Give yourself a break. Gentleness is acknowledging your soft side and loving it.
Clown Chakra
Usually you hear about your crown chakra. I, on the other hand, prefer focusing on the humorous side of the brain. So just enjoy this WordToon and bring in the clowns every chance you get.