Relaxing with your TV can be less than relaxing with both the programming and relentless interruption of the ads. Consider other forms of quiet relaxation.
Category: Positive Day
Uplifting creations that may contribute to having a more positive day.
Be Positive
What are you anticipating “next” in your life? Positive expectations will often help create what you want to happen. Negative expectations can produce unwanted results. In addition, positive living is just more enjoyable for you and for those around you.
Play Clothes
Something to look forward to at the end of your work day. Something that’s all you.
Eat Dessert First. A reminder for an occasional pleasure.
Enjoy an occasional treat is another way you can find quiet moments. Take a “Personal mo.”
Mid Laff crisis?
Let this little play on words alert you to the need for lots of Vitamin “L'” into your daily life. It does wonders for you outlook – and your Life.
Are you dragging the struggles of winter around with you? Give yourself a rest break to get ready for spring.
Hope (and how to WordToon it)
Hope (and how to WordToon it)
Change Renew
Positively embracing the changes that are always happening in life promotes growth that we didn’t expect. This requires creativity and flexibility.
How do you find your calm? How often?
Find Yes
Always search for the positive outlook/expectatiion. It will be there.