Today’s everyday world intends to grab and use your attention in many different ways. Each is taking your energy and keeping you away from you.
Category: Positive Day
Uplifting creations that may contribute to having a more positive day.
You can choose to answer this question either way and have the results you want.
Swarm? A Bonus Knock Knock Joke
Part One: KNOCK, KNOCK. Who’s there?
Part Two: Swarm who?
Knock Knock jokes are much fun to invent. What’s your favorite?
Slow Down
It takes much awareness of your daily pace to realize when you see that you’re pushing. Recognize the benefits taking time out.
Laughing can be Healing
It’s feels beneficial for you to find ways to welcome smiling, giggling. and laughing each day. Just remember to do it.
Smile Today and Forget the Frown
What a great way to begin your day! And end it.
Now Future
This is a graphic description of the power of NOW. The past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. The only place we can exercise our power is NOW, which has been compared to the neck of an hour glass, where the top part is the future and the bottom is the past. Hmmm. So, where do you want to spend your energy?
Stress to Desserts
A little fun playing with word reversing to reveal new revelation.
I think this speaks for itself.
Change — Constant
Something to keep in mind as we progress through the calendar. You can use it to your advantage.
I also published this WordToon on my blog on July 5 last year with the below attached caption. I am including it here for my readers greater understanding:
History tells us this has ever been true, also for each of us. While change can be experienced as chaotic and painful, we can also perceive it as opportunity for new ideas. How can you benefit from change?