Quiet Time

This is vitally important time for the ME in You. It’s Time that gets crowded out in daily life by the “haftas” and “musts” that demand everything from us. It’s our time that is easily forgotten. Remember it NOW. Give it to yourself on a regular basis. Discover that part of you that is crying out for attention. It’s vital for personal peace and growth.



Here is a wonderful mantra to practice daily. Simply repeat this phrase as you go about your work. Each time you day this to yourself, add a positive like good (I AM good), getting better, feeling good, healthy, happy, fun. But watch out. Be sure no negatives slip in. This mantra is designed to counter any negative messages you might say to yourself. You can stay with the positive in your daily life.

You can make a copy of I AM. Just click on the black WordToon title to get the toon on its own page. Then go to the File menu and down to the Print command and click. Cut out the print and put it up to remind you.

No Time


Because of the pressures on us each day. You can feel depleted. Where is the YOU of you? The American social commentator, Joseph Campbell, writing in the 1970s, had this to say about a personal, what he called sacred, space. He reflected on the pressures of modern life.
“This is an absolute necessity for anybody today. You must have a room, a certain hour of the day where you don’t know what’s in the news, who your friends are, what you owe anybody. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. A place of creative incubation. At first you might find that nothing happens. But if you have your sacred space and use it, something will eventually happen. You have to try it to find out.
In your sacred space you get to know the “thou” feeling.”