Going From Stressed–>Desserts

Your doodling time is personal time. Time to find yourself and discover the PEACEFUL you. Doodling is a process waiting to be discovered. Ideas and messages can and do pop up as you devote your personal time to this process.  I like to say that this process can take you from STRESSED to DESSERTS:

If you don’t get it, try bringing a mirror to mind (or the computer screen and there see the reflective results).



As we somehow manage to navigate through each day, stress is ever present in our lives. It becomes a “given” for us to accept and to deal with. It can become a part of each of us. And that’s where the addiction comes in. Then it becomes important to find ways of relieving that stress within. It’s important to actively search for ways to believe your body and find some peace. (For more on this idea read my book https://wordtoons.us/the-book/)


It’s often said that Now is all there is. How much time do you spend mulling over the Past? Can’t change that can you?. Worry about your Future much? Do you ever notice that it never comes out the way you expected or worried about? And you have to deal with it creatively on the spot. So, staying in NOW is really the only place we can do something about.