
Refuge. Where can you go to be you? Here’s an idea. Find you pace — where you can be at peace with yourself. A place away from the frantic demands of everyday living. In short, Your Refuge. A quiet pace you can just be you. No phone, computer, interruptions. Maybe some novel music you like. This is your ideal setting for doodling your own WordToons. Works for me!

Quiet Time

This is vitally important time for the ME in You. It’s Time that gets crowded out in daily life by the “haftas” and “musts” that demand everything from us. It’s our time that is easily forgotten. Remember it NOW. Give it to yourself on a regular basis. Discover that part of you that is crying out for attention. It’s vital for personal peace and growth.


Do you find you’re rushing each day? Life today can be demanding always trying to get lists done — but, that list  always seem to be there to be done. Ouch! Where’s my time gone? Then it’s trying multitasking which can introduce its own problems. It’s all exhausting. In order to find time for yourself, you have to decide you have to create it for yourself. Yes!