Every once in a while give yourself the chance to step outside your usual routine–not an overthrow of the establishment–something that sparks your imagination. An activity that’s special or an idea that makes you smile. You can break your boredom.
Category: Life Today
For creative efforts that illustrate our current and times.
Positive life is in the Light. Think in the Light as you go through your day. The dark shadows only serve to accentuate the Light. Simply think of it that way every opportunity you have. Feels good.
Finding the Time
What makes WordToons work for you is to to deliberately set up up a time and place for yourself by yourself. That’s when ideas happen. Oh yes, and make sure it’s quiet — unless its your favorite music.
Read the letters from left to right. See the expressions develop as these characters realize that Change presents opportunity. Life is like that.
An emotion vastly different from being in the Now. Spending time and energy here does not allow us to progress on with change.
This succinctly sums up all the admonitions about being in the present moment as much as you can. It’s the healthy place for each of us to be. To your health, mental and otherwise.
Here’s a great way to be in the moment. Give yourself a treat.
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone.
Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Too Busy
Is this your Busy? Find your own ways to take a quiet break – for You.
Look Up
Look Up. The more you do this the better you’ll feel.