Fear Shrinks Spirit

I wanted to doodle this saying after to the horrific killing in the middle east. The realization of the suffering and shock affected my emotional spirit deeply. Shaping the letters of each word, along with the colors shows what happened to me. Then I knew I had to reach out to the positive. This is what I always recommend.

Going From Stressed–>Desserts

Your doodling time is personal time. Time to find yourself and discover the PEACEFUL you. Doodling is a process waiting to be discovered. Ideas and messages can and do pop up as you devote your personal time to this process.  I like to say that this process can take you from STRESSED to DESSERTS:

If you don’t get it, try bringing a mirror to mind (or the computer screen and there see the reflective results).


Each of us has to deal with this emotion today. It’s around us a lot — so much so that we tend to take it for granted. This wordtoon reminds us that it’s important to realize how much it affects our thinking and emotions. It’s a highly negative showing up daily in our news, TV shows and entertainment. Even pop music occasionally reminds me of the painting “Scream” Fear’s opposite is LOVE. We need more of this in our lives. Can you consider a media “fast” in your life to limit your exposure to FEAR?