Study the letters to say the words out loud. The explanation caption is the extent of my French-French. The pun is fun.
Category: Expressive
This can cover anything you can’t fit into another category. It is just an “expressive” WordToon.
Here’s a new one made by substituting a letter. I “wander” what they’re playing.
Fear v. Love
Give me your fears. This is a request from our Creator. I’ve found that this idea is of considerable help to me in the middle of the night when I can be kept awake with old fearful thoughts I harbor. God does this for me and I sleep. I recommend this prayer as an antidote to negative thinking anytime.
Fear keeps the world in Darkness
Fear and Love are emotional opposites. At times we feel we are shrouded in fearful Darkness. Love is the Light we need. Exercise the Light whenever and wherever you can. Live with the Light!
Each of us has to deal with this emotion today. It’s around us a lot — so much so that we tend to take it for granted. This wordtoon reminds us that it’s important to realize how much it affects our thinking and emotions. It’s a highly negative showing up daily in our news, TV shows and entertainment. Even pop music occasionally reminds me of the painting “Scream” Fear’s opposite is LOVE. We need more of this in our lives. Can you consider a media “fast” in your life to limit your exposure to FEAR?
Comfort Zone
It’s natural to want to be comfortable in life. And the desire to want something new is natural. Realize that you may also want to create change for yourself to perk up your life!
Change is Opportunity
As the saying goes: Change is the only constant. When it disrupts our life, we likely see it as a negative interruption. It’s not welcome! Even if our present life isn’t feeling particularly good, We don’t want change. Now, try seeing it opportunity time — a time to be creative. Something new can happen. What? That’s what you look for.
The letters are shaped to do the dance. Doodled hands complete the expression. Notice one leg of the A is shortened to fit into the L. Aloha!
History tells us this has ever been true, also for each of us. While change can be experienced as chaotic and painful, we can also perceive it as opportunity for new ideas. How can you benefit from change?
This word talks about our focusing attention on each moment that is the present. Worrying about the future or anguishing about the past robs us of the present and all its possibilities for full living. Practice being fully in your moments.