I’ve WordTooned this word to demonstrate how you can play with words using single stroke letters or outline letters to have a word talk about itself.
Category: Expressive
This can cover anything you can’t fit into another category. It is just an “expressive” WordToon.
Here’s a delightful WordToon created by adding the letter L to an existing word. Even the e is cut off. English can be a fun language.
Here the letters go together to shape the cup. But you can’t drink out of this.
This is a dramatization of the buildup and the delivery. Bless You!
Here I’ve made the letters wiggle as they giggle. The faces indicate and prelude to a laugh.
The word can tell us all about itself — no sentence required. The eyes have it!
What You Give–>Become
Here I encourage you to study the message carefully. Notice, as the letters read from left to right, they change from smile to grumpy. This says that, as you give in a positive way, you become a positive giver. On the other hand, if you give grudging, well . . .
Be Grateful
Being aware of the things, events, persons in your life heightens your awareness of the positive parts of your daily life. Practicing gratitude every day, using every opportunity, summons your awareness. You may be surprised about how much that is positive in your daily life.
Ah, there’s nothing so striking as a smiling pine tree. The message here? Be kind to our forests and they’ll be good to us. Yes? Wood you consider this?
Our language is incredibly versatile. A word can have different meanings depending on our intention. Here I’ve discovered a new meaning for a familiar word. It’s, of course, silly. And I hope it will bring a smile for you as you ponder its meaning here. That’s my intention. Enjoy this new idea for this word.
I’m feeling more comfortable with this new process. now. Yeah!