This is vitally important time for the ME in You. It’s Time that gets crowded out in daily life by the “haftas” and “musts” that demand everything from us. It’s our time that is easily forgotten. Remember it NOW. Give it to yourself on a regular basis. Discover that part of you that is crying out for attention. It’s vital for personal peace and growth.
Category: Expressive
This can cover anything you can’t fit into another category. It is just an “expressive” WordToon.
Do you find you’re rushing each day? Life today can be demanding always trying to get lists done — but, that list always seem to be there to be done. Ouch! Where’s my time gone? Then it’s trying multitasking which can introduce its own problems. It’s all exhausting. In order to find time for yourself, you have to decide you have to create it for yourself. Yes!
This is my WordToon participation for Hallowe’en. Boo!
This is a visual pun shifting the meaning of a familiar word. Does it “bug” you?
Humor Being
The healthy side of life is Humor. Focusing on the positive side for each day is pleasant and fun. Negative expectations produce grumpy outlooks. Give yourself and everyone around you a loving yes today.
Here, through color and heavy lines we have a visual expression of human bonding that holds us together. It’s important to reach out to a friend each day.
Something that’s healing to give and to receive. This WordToon serves to raise awareness of the need for it in our daily life. It’s an important part of Love. Give Care to someone today. Be aware of the possibilities.
This WordToon expresses the effect of some kind of smell. Is it pungent, fragrant? From the expression on the d I think it i probably malodorous! Even that word smells!
I WordTooned fish to playfully tell its story. Even the worm is having a good time. Fishing can be a reel good time!
The dearest form of communication, hugs confirm our humanity in all kinds of ways. They express our personhood. That’s something they didn’t want us doing during the covid lock down. the mandate was six foot separation. Let’s hear it for hugs!