Here’s a call to think about taking time in today’s hectic pace to pause. Time out for yourself to relax your mind each day, find yourself, and make a decision that this can produce some insights for yourself. There’s much to discover about YOU.
Category: Expressive
This can cover anything you can’t fit into another category. It is just an “expressive” WordToon.
Cold weather ahead. Be prepared.
This is a fun experiment I took up. It’s about bending a letter. Could I curve the D to reveal its back side. I saw it in my mind and, after some doodling (trying various versions), I saw it happen. Yes, it was fun!
Ho Ho
Here’s my greeting to you for Christmas. May you have a positive celebration!
Here’s a greeting WordToon for a tee shirt.
This WordToon is one of my favorites. It’s how I feel about life
Simply said, this is my favorite star. It’s the warmth and energy lovingly sent that sustains us and our earth. Yea!
A fun WordToon to illustrate a dubious way to receive the ball. Keep your mouth shut!
Some letters in our alphabet can be shaped and distorted while still be read for what they are. We can form three letters into a purring feline while still telling what they represent. How fun is that?
Refuge. Where can you go to be you? Here’s an idea. Find you pace — where you can be at peace with yourself. A place away from the frantic demands of everyday living. In short, Your Refuge. A quiet pace you can just be you. No phone, computer, interruptions. Maybe some novel music you like. This is your ideal setting for doodling your own WordToons. Works for me!