You can choose to answer this question either way and have the results you want.
Category: Expressive
This can cover anything you can’t fit into another category. It is just an “expressive” WordToon.
Whether it’s religion or politics. Trying to change the other person’s opinion to yours hardly ever results in more than stubbornly holding on to beginning idea. And maybe some yelling anger. The more peaceful approach keeps the ideas intact and peace.
This is how it feels in stores who have their AC turned up too high. Whatever happened to those wonderful floor fans?
Swarm? A Bonus Knock Knock Joke
Part One: KNOCK, KNOCK. Who’s there?
Part Two: Swarm who?
Knock Knock jokes are much fun to invent. What’s your favorite?
Slow Down
It takes much awareness of your daily pace to realize when you see that you’re pushing. Recognize the benefits taking time out.
Laughing can be Healing
It’s feels beneficial for you to find ways to welcome smiling, giggling. and laughing each day. Just remember to do it.
This is what can happen when we are constantly in the midst of complexity and chaos. It impedes our health and well-being.
Annie fell down a flight of stairs and into a new life. She just got her cast off her arm and is full of new plans and ideas. What can you cast off to follow her lead?
You might choose to eject worries and fears. Cast off self doubts and old ideas. Cast a wide net and who knows what new opportunities you could catch. Try it!
An expressive example.
See through the Eyes of…Be Love — See Love.
See through the Eyes of…Be Love — See Love.