This WordToon is one of my favorites. It’s how I feel about life
Category: Commentary
Creative expressions that tell you more about something; perhaps a different point of view for you.
Refuge. Where can you go to be you? Here’s an idea. Find you pace — where you can be at peace with yourself. A place away from the frantic demands of everyday living. In short, Your Refuge. A quiet pace you can just be you. No phone, computer, interruptions. Maybe some novel music you like. This is your ideal setting for doodling your own WordToons. Works for me!
Be Gentle
With all the negative and fearful messages out there, it becomes very important to not take it into personal thoughts and feelings. Give yourself a break. Gentleness is acknowledging your soft side and loving it.
Clown Chakra
Usually you hear about your crown chakra. I, on the other hand, prefer focusing on the humorous side of the brain. So just enjoy this WordToon and bring in the clowns every chance you get.
Living life by “shoulds” and “oughts” can be a heavy daily burden. If you’re living with many oughts, maybe you’d like to say to yourself, “I will not should on myself.” This can help lighten your load so can you roll with the changes that inevitably come into your life. Exercise your flexibility.
Do you find you’re rushing each day? Life today can be demanding always trying to get lists done — but, that list always seem to be there to be done. Ouch! Where’s my time gone? Then it’s trying multitasking which can introduce its own problems. It’s all exhausting. In order to find time for yourself, you have to decide you have to create it for yourself. Yes!
Humor Being
The healthy side of life is Humor. Focusing on the positive side for each day is pleasant and fun. Negative expectations produce grumpy outlooks. Give yourself and everyone around you a loving yes today.
Here, through color and heavy lines we have a visual expression of human bonding that holds us together. It’s important to reach out to a friend each day.
What You Give–>Become
Here I encourage you to study the message carefully. Notice, as the letters read from left to right, they change from smile to grumpy. This says that, as you give in a positive way, you become a positive giver. On the other hand, if you give grudging, well . . .
Be Grateful
Being aware of the things, events, persons in your life heightens your awareness of the positive parts of your daily life. Practicing gratitude every day, using every opportunity, summons your awareness. You may be surprised about how much that is positive in your daily life.