Try looking at pain this way instead of reaching for the pain med. Here’s one of those opportunities where you can choose to be alone and quiet and ask for what this is about.
Category: Commentary
Creative expressions that tell you more about something; perhaps a different point of view for you.
Tell Your HIGHER Self: Take Away My Negative Thoughts and Replace Them with POSITIVE (remember)
This is a good idea that I use to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. It keeps bad thoughts and memories from keeping me awake.
If you think about it, you realize that speeding up is a natural tendency we absorb and not a thing we are often told to do. So, you really can’t have too many sign posts to remind you to SLOW Down. And I bet you can’t remember the “Take your time to Slow Down” WordToon well enough to compare what characters were drawn into the letters of these two WordToon sign posts. Why not take the advice and look at both right now and enjoy the nuance of the art.
Insist on YES in your life
As the image suggests, the more you say YES, the less room you give to any little old no that tries to creep into your LIFE.
Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative
What more can be said?
You Are Good–It’s Time To Shine
Be sure to be aware of your wonderful self — and reflect it!
Sometimes the world feels like this. I didn’t need an exclamation mark here.
Let the universe know about what you need for your life to succeed.
Toons Are Fun
Introducing PUNTOONS, a bonus posting that has its own page in my web site. For more about PunToons see the new menu addition above in the WordToons header.
OR: click this URL-
Tomorrow is the first BONUS posting of PUNTOONS!
Meet the characters:
Interjecting smiles and giggles — even laughs– can brighten lives — yours and others you meet. I found that, when I’m approaching a sales clerk or a fellow customer, there are opportunities for some form of humorous exchange. It begins with eye contact. This brief connection sets the stage. Perhaps a brief smile is exchanged. A quick comment can follow, and from there other remarks can follow with possible fun quips. I had this little drama play out at a used book store recently. We exchanged some brief quips and even a laugh. When I left, I had a positive feeling which set my day on a high. Humor, don’t leave your mind without it.