A simple statement about the problem where we look a others as separate from us. This problem makes getting to peace highly improbable. I suggest this as a formula for global peace.
Category: Commentary
Creative expressions that tell you more about something; perhaps a different point of view for you.
Finding your inner calm is what “getting to a quiet time and place to get in touch with your inner self” is about — you getting to know you is of highest importance in your life.
Finding the Time
What makes WordToons work for you is to to deliberately set up up a time and place for yourself by yourself. That’s when ideas happen. Oh yes, and make sure it’s quiet — unless its your favorite music.
Discover Your Creative Self
Yes you have it. Give yourself the time and opportunity to listen and hear. It can work for you.
This succinctly sums up all the admonitions about being in the present moment as much as you can. It’s the healthy place for each of us to be. To your health, mental and otherwise.
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone.
Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Look Up
Look Up. The more you do this the better you’ll feel.
We Are One
This can’t be said/repeated often enough. The belief of many people on the earth is that we are all separate — the base cause of all our problems. WE in fact are all created as One.
Breathe in Through Your Nose–Breathe Out and SMILE
Breathe in through your nose while expanding your stomach. Feel the fullness of your body.
Open your mouth as you breathe out smiling broadly. Feel the wonderful muscles as they expand to reveal your smile.
There is No Try, There is Only DO (Yoda)
This is a strong admonition that popped up in the Star Wars movies. Good advice.