We have found this to be good advice for daily living.
Category: Commentary
Creative expressions that tell you more about something; perhaps a different point of view for you.
Finding Utter Nonsense
Creating FUN wherever raises spirits, yours and others. You can do it.
Yes each day
The Light is always available to us. Just look for it.
Fear (Keeps the World in) Darkness
Notice that every day seemingly everywhere fear is being promoted to keep us in the dark. Only by looking to the light can we find our way.
Love Yourself
We all need to start here.
Positive Thanks
Great expectations!
Time for You
As the slogan says, “Jest do it”.
Humor Being
This involves having a good laugh expectancy.
Today’s high-speed, complex pace of living demands much of us. We need to find daily quiet time.
Today’s everyday world intends to grab and use your attention in many different ways. Each is taking your energy and keeping you away from you.