Find yourself some frolic time today. Be the frolic!
Author: droell
Give yourself some smiles as well as others. Smiling feels good to you the giver as well as to the receiver. Try it out on yourself and feel it.
Letters are spread on an arc to emphasize a strong recommendation. Colors used to add strength. Colors further unify. Heavy black lines add to the effect. Do you believe?
Can you feel it? The appreciation for the slightest breeze even if you have to pick up the closest thing that can act as a fan; the empathy for your panting pet; the sweat pouring out as fast as you mop it up; should you drink the ice water in your hand or dump it over your head? There are even people that take the bare feet option; a perspiration necessity birthing the freedom of all toes (excepting hot pavement and burning beaches of course).
Rounded letters are used to give a soft slumbering effect. Colored Zs used for each character’s individuality. The letter shapes show restlessness. Fluctuating black outlines add to this. Sleep well!
If you look closely, reading the expressions of each “letter” of the WordToon, then you have noticed that the “double n” expresses how laughing together is an expression of leaning on each other for support. So funny it makes you weak in the knees!
A Suitable First Post
Because the letters in a doodled word are action oriented, be sure you take a moment to read each letter to get the word. Enjoy selecting from my list of categories. Some may be particularly interesting and you can print it for yourself. I’d love your comments and questions. See the query form below.
Here’s my list of WordToons categories:
- Fun
- Expressive
- Commentary
- Fear?
- Life Today
- Love
- Phrases
- Positive Day
- Special
- Spiritual