A little imagination shapes these letters into what they’re talking about. Smell the Darjeeling?
A Blog About Relaxing With Doodling
A little imagination shapes these letters into what they’re talking about. Smell the Darjeeling?
From my Book: I Do WordToons and You Can Too! I’ve doubled up HA and added color for this example from my book.
As you can see, color adds much to your word’s expressiveness. Sometimes after adding color, I want to go back in and strengthen the letter outlines to make sure each letter reads OK. It’s interesting to me how each doodling stage tells me what to do next. I wonder now, what the WordToon for “Doubled over with Laughter” might look like?
This is a new technology designed to give ever faster computer speed. This electronic blanket will spread over us with alarming speed. It’s to give us something “they” assume we want. I wasn’t asked. My question: Is it worth the unknown and unseen but real damage it will also give us. As the phrase goes: “Just day no.”
We hear much about this commodity swelling the center aisles of our grocery stores. There are lots of manufactured tastes to create a desire for the “munchies” every day. This stuff is causing unusual problems in our bodies. Time to cut down? “Oh, but I’ll have just one more!”